The Ideker Lab is located in the Israni Biomedical Research Facility (formerly the Biomedical Research Facility 2, aka “BRF2” ) at UC San Diego School of Medicine. Dr. Ideker’s office is 3A13. From the lobby proceed to floor 3A, enter the double doors into the offices, turn left and continue to the end of the corridor to office 3A13.
Street address: 3147 Biomedical Sciences Wy, La Jolla, CA 92093
Mailing address: 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0688, La Jolla, CA 92093-0688
Driving directions from North County:
Driving directions from South County:
Visitor Parking
The nearest visitor parking spaces (V spaces) are located at P603, South Parking Structure, or Gilman Parking Structure. Visitors who need hourly or daily parking can purchase hourly parking at parking pay stations or in the Park Mobile App. For current parking rates and additional parking information please visit:
ADA Accessible Parking
If you have a Disabled Person placard or license plates, you may park in these spaces for free (no UCSD parking permit required): Handicap-accessible spaces designated by the wheelchair symbol, metered spaces, or parking spaces marked A, B, or S. For additional information visit: