The Ideker Lab gratefully acknowledges research support from the following institutions, agencies, industry partners, and sponsors. For more information on specific projects or awards, please click on associated links.

Active Support

The Multi-scale Integrated Cell (MuSIC) Fund
Schmidt Futures. Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Ideker (PI); Lundberg (Co-I)
08/2022 – 08/2027 

The Cancer Cell Map Initiative (CCMI 2.0)
NIH NCI U54 CA274502 (Previously: U54 CA209891)
Krogan, Ideker (MPI)
9/14/2022 – 8/31/2027

Cytoscape: An Ecosystem for Network Genomics
NIH NHGRI U24 HG012107 (Previously: R01 HG009979; R01 GM070743)
Ideker (PI); Bader (Co-I)
9/1/2022 – 6/30/2027

Host Pathogen Mapping Initiative (HPMI 2.0)
NIH NIAID U19 AI135990
Krogan (PI); Ideker (Co-Lead/Co-I)
08/02/2023 – 05/31/2028

Next generation massively multiplexed combinatorial genetic screens
NIH NHGRI R01 HG012351
Mali (PI); Ideker (Co-I)
03/15/2023 – 01/31/2027

National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB)
NIH NIGMS P41 GM103504
Ideker (PI); (Multiple Co-Is)
9/13/2010 – 04/30/2025

Institutional Support from UC San Diego School of Medicine
Ideker (PI)

Completed Support

The Host Pathogen Mapping Initiative (HPMI)
NIH NIAID U19 AI135990
Krogan (PI); Ideker (Co-Lead/Co-I)
08/17/2018 – 07/31/2023 
*Renewed in 2023

CCMI: The Cancer Cell Map Initiative
NIH NCI U54 CA209891
Krogan, Ideker (MPI)
05/11/2017 – 04/30/2022
*Renewed in 2022

Cytoscape: A Modeling Platform for Biomolecular Networks
NIH NHGRI R01 HG009979; R01 GM070743
Ideker (PI); Bader (Co-I)
06/01/2004 – 08/31/2022
*Renewed in 2022

Fred B. Luddy Family Foundation